Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pope Francis called for renewal of the Roman Catholic Church

According to The Huffington Post, Pope Francis 'Evangelii Gaudium' calls for renewal of roman Catholic Church, attacks 'Idolatry Of Money'. Pope Francis wants to stop poverty by making the wealthy Catholics spread their wealth. I do admire Pope Francis and the changes that he has set for in his plan. It is wonderful to see that he is not a believer in Capitalism that has gone over board. The inequality today is not a progressive ideology but one that believes that the wealth of the world belongs to those that own it and control it. The Catholic Religion was once one of the richest Religions in the world. Its control of Catholic members was absolute. In its wake, we have seen terrible behavior by many of its priests and disgrace has caught up with its decisions to try to cover it up. The true lesson learned has been that controlling decisions that affect others in a negative way is wrong. Just as Capitalism has benefited those with wealth and power, while destroying the middle class. The Middle class is not needed anymore as production and a purchase of goods has spread all over the world. It takes investment and wealth to move up the ladder of life and dreams. Taking those two means away has slowly left the middle class sliding down a slippery slope. It is not just the poor anymore that need help.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pro Abortion Law

In Steven Tran's blog New Texas Abortion Law I made a comment agreeing with him saying "I agree with Steven Tran on how he feels about the abortion law being passed. A chid's life is precious even if its still unborn. I once believed in abortion as the "okay doing" but now that I think about it, you should kill a child because of YOUR mistakes. People say "I was at a party, got drunk, and then got pregnant!" I believe that is total bullshit. If these girls can't control their liquor and their LEGS closed then don't go out and make stupid decisions at all. Rape might be a different story, but there is always another way around abortion like giving your baby up for adoption instead of taking her/his life away. How would you feel if one day your parents had the say in if they want you dead or alive this very second? Life is too precious to be taking it away." Steven Tran's blog said "Abortion is a big issue because for years it had been said that abortion should not be legal. Many people feel aborting an unwanted child, or killing an unwanted child should be against the law. In the New York times,  “A Bad Reversal on the Texas Abortion Law,” by The Editorial Board inform us about how last Thursday, the court allowed Texas to enforce the new abortion laws. The law that passes states that a third of the states 36-licensed abortion clinic have stopped providing abortions, and that includes Austin. Citizens are trying to get an appeal and protest because of the abortion law being passed. I agree with the law being passed because I don’t believe in Abortion. I don’t believe in sacrificing another human being because you’re too young or it was an accident, it doesn’t matter if it’s still in a bag, or have legs and arms. Whoever doesn’t believe the new law has no heart. I was reading about how a federal district judge quite correctly rejected the provision as unconstitutional, finding that the admitting privileges rule serves no medical purpose and “places a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion.” The judge issued an injunction blocking the provision, and the state appealed that ruling immediately. The judges did a right thing for closing down the clinics, but they need to leave some up just incase of whoever had a miscarriage or etc., but I feel like no one should appeal  or try to turn over the ruling about abortion."

Monday, November 4, 2013

Drug Benefits?

With unemployment rates at 6.3% In Texas, and more tax’s taken out of the working citizens paycheck I can speak on the behalf of all of us, we are tired of giving out handouts to the un-needed. Unemployment benefits come from an employer-paid program that provides temporary help for qualified workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Of course one can’t predict if they are receiving a lay off and have to receive unemployment benefits to pay the bills. It is a nuisance to the working citizen to hear or witness someone collecting benefits and being a druggie. Texas lawmakers are considering a bill to require drug testing for people who receive these benefits. Is this ethical?
Absolutely it is. In todays society most companies perform background checks, pre-employment drug screening, and some require a credit check. If one is collecting Federal funds from the State, it should be a requirement to take a drug test and possibly random tests while receiving benefits. Of course it would cost the State additional funds to extract the tests, but it would narrow out the inconsiderate citizens that abuse the program. If one can’t pass a drug test on while receiving benefits, how are they supposed to pass pre-employment drug screening to obtain a job?

The Taxpayers pay for these programs and too many people are “riding for free” without any requirements. The key factor is the requirement that people receiving benefits are actively seeking employment and that job seeking is verifiable. It is very interesting to know that Liberals want to limit the ounces in my soda can, or how many bullets I can buy, but cannot admit to unemployment drug testing would be in their best interest. Hopefully Texas will pass the “drug testing” requirement for Government benefits, whether it is for a lay off or welfare. I mean 36% of your paycheck is due to taxes. If we have to pay them, lets make sure our money is not being given to the drug addicts.