Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Companies towards the LGBT communtiy

In the blog 8 Companies That Don’t Support Gay Rights, by Amanda Chatel, Chatel listed 8 companies from Chick-Fil-A to Boy Scouts of America that are anti-gay. The audience is towards the LGBT community and people who are supportive of gay rights. To name a few starting with Chick-Fil-A, in 2012 CEO Dan Cathy claims to be very anti gay which caused the LGBT members protested and boycott, but sales did not go down but up 12%. The founder of Domino's Pizza is still blamed for being anti-gay in 2011, but he sold his company in 1998 and is still being haunted with the press while not being affiliated at all with Domino’s. The founder of Urban Outfitters, Richard Haynes doesn't want to lose any customers for being anti-gay since he donated to anti-gay charities so he decided to make shirts that say “I Support Same Sex Marriage” to try to not tarnish Urban Outfitters image as a clothing brand. Boy Scouts of America as we knows are the boy scouts who sell cookies on the side for donation towards their organization were surprisingly anti-gay, “The Boy Scouts of America live by two major rules: believing in God and not being gay. To not adhere to either one, means there is no place for you in the organization.” Chatel. After having a debate with open-minded board members, Boy Scouts of America decided to let openly gay boys join as of January 1st, 2014. I do agree with Amanda Chatel that we do need to change and progress as we get into the future,  if you are friendly and believe in equality it would be easier for everyone especially sales and customers. So will every company later on be gay-friendly? The answers will be depending on how open-minded these companies are and if they are able to adjust to today’s culture in America.

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